July 11, 2017

Running is a sport enjoyed by people all over the world. Some run for fun, others to prepare for a race, and some do it to lose weight or get in shape. Regardless of your reason for running, keep it enjoyable by employing some of these safety tips to keep the good times running.

Things Can Get Bumpy

One of the leading causes of injury is an improper running surface, so take this tip to heart and mind the surface you run on. You likely have your terrain preference, whether it is on a treadmill, grass, sand, concrete, trails, or asphalt. Hard surfaces cause the most shock to your joints, while soft ones put uneven stress on your joints. Both surfaces have their positive and negative aspects, but the best surface will be one that is smooth, level, and absorbs the most shock.

Close cropped grass or turf is touted as the best surface to run on because it is soft and easy on your legs, while also making your muscles work hard. However, if you are training for a marathon, youll likely be running on hard asphalt, so it will be best to run in the environment you will be running on to prepare yourself and your body. In the end, choose the terrain you enjoy the most, but adjust accordingly to minimize the risk of injury.

If the Shoe Fits

Keep in mind that your shoes are the best protection against injury, so it is highly recommended that you purchase your running shoes from a store that specializes in running gear. Let the salesperson know your experience level, running type, and running terrain and they can help you find the best shoe. Dont forget that while you may still have more energy to run, it is possible to outrun your shoes. A typical running shoe will last up to 500 miles. After theyve reached that max, its best to retire them.

What are some of the signs of a tired shoe? Put your shoes on a table and take a close look: if they lean to one side or have a worn down tread, its best to head to the store. The fact that your big toe is making an appearance is a glaring sign, but the sudden onset of pain in your back, knees, or ankles is a sign you shouldnt ignore. Over time, running shoes lose their support and ability to absorb shock, and continuing to use them increases your risk of injury.

H2O or Bust

It is easy to get dehydrated while running, especially in the heat. While it might seem impossible to stay hydrated on your run, there are a few tricks you can implement. We all know to drink water after running, but its just as important to drink it before. Why? This prepares your body for the water it is about to lose via sweat and keeps you running at your desired pace. Dehydration lowers your blood volume, significantly impacting your bodys ability to transfer heat and thus making it harder for your body to keep going.

Its easy to stay hydrated before a run, but what about during? How many times have you fumbled with the cap on a water bottle only to have most of it end up running down your shirt? You could stop, but then you lose your momentum. For serious runners, investing in a hydration backpack is a great option. Worn on your back, it dispenses liquid through a straw attached to the backpack, making hydration quick, easy, and instantaneous.

Like any sport, running requires a few safety precautions to prevent the activity you love from becoming a hazard. Know your terrain, wear the right gear, and drink plenty of water to ensure you have a fun and safe run.

July 11, 2017

Downhill running, especially FAST downhill running, can subject runners to higher stresses on the legs due to eccentric force, which is a major cause of delayed-onset muscle soreness, or "DOMS."

The common misconception that DOMS is caused by "lactic acid in the muscles" is completely wrong. DOMS in the leg muscles is caused by eccentric force, where the muscles are doing two things at once: (1) acting like “shock absorbers” to absorb the impact forces of landing on your foot, while at the same time (2) lengthening like a spring to propel the body forward. The end result is that the muscles are pulled in two different directions at the same time, which results in microscopic tearing of the muscle fibers. The muscle damage triggers an inflammatory response by the body, resulting in swelling, stiffness, and tenderness in the muscles. The good news is that most of the symptoms of DOMS, which fade in a few days, are a result of the body’s inflammatory response, not damage to the muscles themselves.

The best way to reduce the effects of increased eccentric force in a downhill race is to train using what is known as “repeated bout effect.” This training effect occurs when a session of running downhill in a workout (a “bout”) provides a protective effect in subsequent workouts of the same nature. After recovering from normal muscle damage and soreness from a downhill session, runners can recover faster, and experience less DOMS, after subsequent workouts.

This doesn’t mean that the best way to build “downhill running ability” is to go out for a couple of downhill runs a few weeks before your race. The “repeated bout effect” regimen should follow a measured and meaningful schedule that allows time to recover and adapt from one session before the next one. Moreover, the intensity of the downhill workouts should be very light in the early sessions, and with short distances. Over time, the intensity and distance gradually increase. Meanwhile, ensuing workouts should take into consideration the need for short recovery from the downhill intensity. Your body will need a little extra time for the inflammation and repair process to take place before you attempt any other type of intensity in a “hard” run.

All totaled, a proper training schedule for a downhill race should incorporate two major elements to maximize the gains from a downhill course, while minimizing the effects of eccentric force: (1) repeated bout effect sessions over a number of weeks, with gradually increasing intensity and distance; and (2) regular practice of using proper downhill form. With both of these training elements in your training regimen, you should be well prepared for any downhill race.

Paul Carmona is the Online REVEL Coach who has designed trainling plans specifically for REVEL downhill courses. He is an 11-time REVEL Marathon Finisher and run multiple Boston Qualifiers on every REVEL course!

July 7, 2017
See you on Sunday, June 3, 2018!
REVEL Rockies

REVEL Rockies is excited to announce the fifth annual event will be taking place on Sunday, June 3, 2018!

Save up to $20 when you sign up by Friday, July 14. Use code EARLYBIRD at checkout to save $10 and combine that with the Facebook and team discounts to get a total of $20 off your registration!

Register for REVEL Rockies

June 15, 2017
The Run Down - REVEL Race Series Newsletter June 2017

REVEL Rockies Winners

Marathon Male
Grant Bell
Marathon Female
Anna Hailey
Half Marathon Male
Neil Galvez
Half Marathon Female
AnnMarie Kirkpatrick
Run Eat RepeatMarathon Team
Run Eat Repeat
3:22:46 (average of top 4)
SolterraHalf Marathon Team
Sole Terra RAW
1:29:17 (average of top 4)
REVEL Big Cottonwood

REVEL Big Cottonwood Price Increase

REVEL Big Cottonwood in Salt Lake City, UT has a price increase on June 21! Big Cottonwood has stunning views in a deep granite canyon and it's fast. Save $10 by registering before the prices goes up!

REVEL Rockies Course Preview

Downhill workouts should include some level of uphill work too. The idea is to get used to running fast downhill on tired legs. The uphill climbing of the workout should put some stress on your legs, but don't overdo it: the uphill part isn't the focus, so don't go too hard while climbing. Instead, maintain a steady, even effort as you climb, and then work hard on your downhill form and speed as you descend.

Paul Carmona is the Online REVEL Coach who has designed trainling plans specifically for REVEL downhill courses. He is a 9-time REVEL Marathon Finisher and run multiple Boston Qualifiers on every REVEL course!


Launch Team

Launch Team Started This Week

REVEL has teamed up with Launch Team to get youth trained to run the REVEL Big Cottonwood Half Marathon in September. Practices started this week, so sign your youth up today at thelaunchteam.org.

"Launch Team was a great experience-I totally loved it! It helped me meet a lot of my goals and stay active over the summer. I encourage anyone on the fence to dive right in and do it! Running did more for me than I ever thought it could." —Malia

Race Calendar

Sep. 9, 2017 REVEL Big Cottonwood
Salt Lake City, UT

Price Increase June 21, 2017!

Nov. 4, 2017 REVEL Canyon City
Los Angeles, CA
Apr. 28, 2018 REVEL Mt Charleston
Las Vegas, NV
Jun. 2018 (TBD) REVEL Rockies
Denver, CO

Merchandise Highlight

REVEL Trucker HatPink Visor

REVEL hats and visors are prefect for keeping the summer sun out of eyes. We have a broad range of colors and styles to for both everyday wear and while training. REVEL Hats and Visors

Alta View's Healthy Living Tip

Alta View Hospital

Our partners at Alta View Hospital have put together a great list of tips for marathon training and injury prevention. Also, mark your calendars for the two FREE lectures that Alta View Hospital will be providing for our runners on July 11th and July 20th at 6:00 at the hospital. All in attendance will be entered in a drawing for a free race entry to REVEL Big Cottonwood!"

Read More

Sponsor Highlight

KT Tape

KT TAPE is an elastic sports and fitness tape designed for muscle, ligament and tendon pain relief and support. It is quickly becoming the favorite accessory of athletes in every sport. KT TAPE and the company’s other innovative products are made to keep athletes healthy, empowering all to play with confidence and reach their peak performance.

Participant Highlight

Daniel's Journey: 26 miles and 100 pounds

Random Race Entry Giveaway


Congratulations to Tessa Castillo who ran the 2016 REVEL Canyon City Marathon. She was randomly selected as the winner of a FREE race entry to any 2017 REVEL event. Keep your eyes out each month to see if you're the next random winner. Tessa, email revel@runrevel.com to claim your prize.

The Run Down
May 26, 2017
REVEL Rockies Logo
Important Race Information

Please take a few minutes to read this email. Important updates and helpful tips are included to make your race experience more enjoyable.

Limited spots remain in both distances! If you know someone who hasn't registered, be sure to tell them to register now and join you on Sunday, June 11.

Do you have a friend or family member who would like to lend a hand race day? Would you like to assist at the Expo & Packet Pick-Up or Bag Assembly prior to the event? Volunteer spots are still open! Sign up to volunteer now.


The REVEL Rockies Expo & Packet Pick-Up is located at the Steinhauer Field House on the Colorado School of Mines Campus. All parking is free but NO STREET PARKING is available, you must park in the designated lot. Please use the map below for reference.  

A photo ID is required to pick up your race bag. We will allow individuals to pick up someone else's bag but will require a digital or hardcopy of the person's ID and a written note authorizing them to do so. Unless you have pre-purchased Race Day Packet Pick-Up, bag and shirt pickup will not be available the morning of the race.


Saturday, June 10: 10:00am-7:00pm


The School of Mines has one address for their entire campus so please do not put it in your GPS. The Expo is located at 13th and Maple Street. Use this Google Maps link for specific directions from your location.

Parking & busing

Because REVEL Rockies is a point-to-point route, we will bus you from the finish line to the start line. Your bib is your ticket to board the bus. Due to road closures and participant safety all runners must take the buses the morning of the race. You may not park or be dropped off at the start lines.

Race parking is available in the Island Lot which is located directly across from Bandimere Speedway at 3051 S Rooney Rd, Morrison, CO 80465. Please take the Morrison Road (Highway 8) Exit off of C-470. All parking is free.

All buses will depart from the Island Parking Lot. Marathon buses will load from 3:30 to 4:15 AM and Half Marathon buses will load from 4:15 to 5:15 AM. Please make sure that you are on time and that you get on the right bus! Staff will be on hand to help direct runners and ensure that parking and busing runs smoothly.

Spectators will also park at the same location as runners. If the lot is full, overflow lots will be available. From approximately 6:00 AM to 12:30 PM there will be a continuous shuttle between downtown Morrison and Bandimere Speedway, where spectators can take the bus to the finish line. This will also be the same shuttle finishers and spectators can take back to their vehicles.

Aid stations

The Aid Stations will be equipped with water, Lemon Lime electrolytes, restrooms and basic medical supplies. In addition some aid stations will include Gu Energy Gels (Chocolate/Vanilla - caffeine & Lemon Sublime/Mandarin Orange – no caffeine), candy, and medical personnel (see aid station map below).

**Any personal belongings dropped at aid stations or anywhere along the course will be donated to charity.**

Bag Drop

You will receive a race bag when you pick up your packet at the expo. This bag is for you to take to the starting areas. A number that matches your race bib will be attached to your race bag. This is to identify your bag at the finish area after the race, and you will need your bib to prove ownership of your bag when you pick it up. Please carry any belongings to the starting area in this bag, as opposed to any other personal bags, which cannot be identified by your race number. Bags must be placed in the bag trucks at the starting areas at least 15 minutes prior to the race start. 

**Any personal belongings dropped at aid stations or anywhere along the course will be donated to charity.**

Timing & bibs

The races will be chip-timed using timing tags adhered to the back of your bib. Your time will begin when you cross the starting line and stop when you cross the finish line. Overall prize winners (top 3 in each race) will be determined by gun time, not chip time. Please do not tamper with the timing chips, as they cannot be replaced once linked to your bib number. 

Because the timing tag is adhered to the back of your race bib, it is important that you do not cover your bib with clothing or other objects that may interfere with the tag reader when you are crossing the start and finish lines. Furthermore, in order to ensure that race volunteers, officials, and photographers can properly identify you, you must wear your bib on the front of your person in an unobstructed position. If the photographers along the course cannot see your bib number, we will have no way to get your photos to you.

finish line festivities

Once you cross the finish line, stick around and enjoy the exciting atmosphere at the finish. Runners will be greeted with some great food and beer as you celebrate your achievement with friends and family. Check out the vendor booths, get a photo in front of our beautiful backdrops, listen to some great music, give a hand to the rest of the runners coming in, and attend the awards ceremonies to congratulate the winners.

May 11, 2017
The Run Down - REVEL Race Series Newsletter May 2017
REVEL Mt Charleston

REVEL Mt Charleston Registration Opens Today

Due to permit constraint, the 2018 REVEL Mt Charleston marathon will be capped at the same number of participants as last year. With a 40% BQ rate for two years in a row, this marathon is fast and will likely sell out very quickly. Registration opens today, so sign up now if you do not want to miss out.

REVEL Rockies

REVEL Rockies Price Increase

REVEL Rockies in Denver, CO has a price increase on May 17th! You don't want to miss your chance to Revel in the Rockies on June 11. This course is fast and beautiful. Save $10 by registering before the prices goes up!

REVEL Rockies Course Preview
REVEL Rockies Course Preview

A course strategy – and overall race strategy – is a must for optimal performance on race day. Whether this is your first REVEL Rockies and your goal is simply to finish, or you are veteran aiming for a PR or BQ, you should have a well-planned strategy for how you intend to manage the course!

The head coach of REVEL’s Online Coaching Program, who has run a Boston Qualifying time in all of the REVEL marathons, has prepared a detailed description of the REVEL Rockies courses.


Paul Carmona is the Online REVEL Coach who has designed trainling plans specifically for REVEL downhill courses. He is a 9-time REVEL Marathon Finisher and run multiple Boston Qualifiers on every REVEL course!

Do you want to be our next featured writer? Email us at revel@runrevel.com for details.


Volunteer at REVEL Rockies

It takes hundreds of volunteers to make each REVEL event a success! REVEL Rockies on June 11 is up next! Join our crew and sign up to volunteer today. Opportunities include bag assembly, expo & packet pick-up and race day! Volunteer

REVEL is Hiring

REVEL is Hiring

Apply today to join our team as the Videographer & Social Media Manager. This is a full-time or part-time position for on-site work at our offices in Highland, UT. Learn More and Apply Now

Launch Team

Free Shoes to Launch Team

HOKA has donated 66 pairs of demo shoes to the first 66 youth that sign up for Launch Team (while sizes remain). Entry into the Launch Team also includes a free entry to the REVEL Big Cottonwood Half Marathon! With a 12 week training program included, we're practically paying your youth to get out running over the summer. The Launch Team is a youth training program in Utah where youth meet twice a week to train for the REVEL Big Cottonwood Half Marathon. If you want to get your youth off the couch and learning that running is fun and a great way to get exercise, sign them up!

Race Calendar

Jun 11, 2017 REVEL Rockies
Denver, CO

Price Increase May 17, 2017!

Sep. 9, 2017 REVEL Big Cottonwood
Salt Lake City, UT
Nov. 4, 2017 REVEL Canyon City
Los Angeles, CA
Apr. 28, 2018 REVEL Mt Charleston
Las Vegas, NV

Registration Opens Today!

Merchandise Highlight

Blue TankPink Tank

Brand new 2017 merchandise is here and these super soft running tanks from Nike are perfect for beating the summer hear. The Nike Dry Miler Women's Running Tank features sweat-wicking fabric and mesh panels to help you stay cool and comfortable on your run. Dri-FIT Technology helps keep you dry and comfortable. Mesh panels for enhanced breathability. Racerback design and thin straps allow natural range of motion. Flat seams move smoothly against your skin.

Blue Option | Pink Option

Alta View's Healthy Living Tip

Alta View Hospital

To run farther, run faster, and be better than we were the day before, we can stretch, take an ice bath, go to a yoga class, get a massage and use a foam roller and lift weights — and those are just a few of our options. Obviously, we can’t do all those activities on a regular basis. But of all the items listed, strength training has been shown to improve running performance time and time again...

Read More

Our partners at Intermountain Healthcare's Alta View Hospital are dedicated to helping people live the healthiest lives possible. Make sure to check out the Healthy Living Tip in each version of our newsletter.

Sponsor Highlight


Lagunitas Brewing Company began on a kitchen stove in Northern California in 1993 and has always looked to the future…Whether supporting local communities by turning beer into money for the cause, or simply fueling stories and songs with IPA and other fine ales. Wherever you go: beer speaks, people mumble. Mumble along at LAGUNITAS.com. Or visit Lagunitas in person in Petaluma & Azusa, CA; Chicago, IL; Charleston, SC; and Seattle, WA.

Participant Highlight

Tim Park

After a wake up call from a doctor's visit in 2014, Tim Park decided to make a change in his health habits. After 1.5 years of working out nearly everyday he decided to see what running was all about. In May 2016 he ran for the first time and by REVEL Canyon City Marathon he was competing in his first organized event and crushing his BQ by nearly 20 minutes! Keep running Tim!

Team Highlight

Sol Terra RAW

Coincidence or not, our largest REVEL Rockies team resides directly across from Bandimere
Speedway in Solterra. The team of 88 strong and growing is called Sole Terra RAW
(runners and walkers). Don Peterson is their team captain and we look forward to having them out on race day!

Random Race Entry Giveaway


Congratulations to Leslie Chapman who ran the 2016 REVEL Big Cottonwood Marathon. She was randomly selected as the winner of a FREE race entry to any 2017 REVEL event. Keep your eyes out each month to see if you're the next random winner. Leslie, email revel@runrevel.com to claim your prize.

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