Sept. 24, 2019

A course strategy – and overall race strategy – is a must for optimal performance on race day. Whether this is your first REVEL race and your goal is simply to finish, or you are REVEL veteran aiming for a PR or BQ, you should have a well-planned strategy for how you intend to manage the Big Bear course!

The head coach of REVEL’s Online Coaching Program, who has run a Boston Qualifier in all the REVEL marathons he has run, has prepared this detailed description of the Big Bear Marathon and Half-Marathon courses.

Managing the Course Based on Segments

A critical component of your race strategy is the course profile itself. Where are the sharp descents? Where are the climbs? Where does the course “flatten” a bit?

You want to plan your race with course segments in mind, and with an overall strategy for varying paces throughout. Your varied paces will be dictated by the elevation losses and gains, and you want to know before the race where those variations will occur.

Generally, the Big Bear Marathon course can be divided into six sections:

Miles 1-2: The Warm Up

Miles 3-4: Slower But Steady, Get Up and Down

Miles 5-9: Rolling Downhill

Miles 10-13: Pick Up Speed

Miles 14-20: Accelerate

Miles 21-26.2: Fast Finish

Similarly, the Big Bear Half-Marathon course can be divided into three sections:

Miles 1-4: Very Fast Start

Miles 5-9: Settle In

Miles 10-13.1: Coasting In

You can study the courses yourself on the REVEL website. You can zoom in, use the interactive elevation chart, and get a feel for what lays ahead of you on race day.

If possible, you should drive the course before race day to get a feel for what the segments look and feel like. Knowing what to expect, and when, is helpful when preparing your course strategy.

The marathon and half-marathon courses are summarized below based on the segments described above.

The Marathon Course

Miles 1-2: The Warm Up

Starting at 6,630’ elevation, the first 2 miles of the course are almost straightaway, with very gradual turns and an elevation loss of 326’ total. Overall, this opening 2-mile segment is one of the more gradual downhill segments of the entire course. You want to approach this as a nice “warm up” to the miles ahead, and you should resist the urge to chase other runners if they pass you. You want to start the race by easing into your own pace, settling in for the long haul, and letting gravity pull you along at a comfortably fast pace. You should not feel as if you are running “too hard” or “too fast.” If you do, then you should ease back a bit and aim for a “comfortably hard” pace.

Miles 3-4: Slower But Steady, Get Up and Down

Miles 3 and 4 of the course are a series of up and down sections that, overall, result in -38’ of elevation for the 2-mile leg. After the opening “Warm Up” section that is mostly downhill, you almost certainly will be aware of your pace slowing and your level of effort increasing on the climbs here. This is where you will run slightly slower than your first two miles, but still can maintain a steady level of effort as you work your way uphill and downhill for two miles.

This is a segment where you really do not want to concern yourself with runners passing you on climbs. It is easy in a race to get caught up with the pace of other runners. You still have many miles to go, and you want to conserve your energy for the miles ahead. With that in mind, pay attention to your own level of effort: if you feel yourself working too hard on the climbs, then simply slow down.

Miles 5-9: Rolling Downhill

This is where you will begin to build speed. As you pass mile 4, you will begin a series of small rolling hills that, overall, lose 502’ of elevation. You will encounter small, short climbs here and there during this section, but they are minor in comparison to the overall elevation loss.

If you are keeping tabs on your splits every mile or every few miles at marked intervals, don’t be surprised to see that you are running slightly ahead of your goal pace on the downhills. This is where gravity is your friend, and the downhill profile of the marathon course will benefit you significantly.

At the same time, be wary of a sensation of “running too fast” downhill. If you feel out of control, or if you feel yourself working “too hard” while running downhill, then slow down. But be mindful that it is expected for you to be ahead of goal pace during these downhill segments of the race.

Likewise, don’t push yourself on the climbs. They are short, and you gain very little by increasing your level of effort to sustain a faster pace while climbing. Once you get past this section, the course starts to get much faster, and you want to conserve your energy for the speedy downhill sections ahead.

Miles 10-13: Pick Up Speed

This is where you will start to really gain speed running downhill.

If you have “held back” your downhill speed for the first 9 miles, while managing the minor climbs along the way, you should expect to be very close to your goal splits up to this part of the race, and probably slightly behind (slower than) your target splits. Your legs should feel strong, warmed-up, and ready for the supremely fast latter half of the race.

Just past mile 9, the course begins steadily dropping mile after mile. For the first time since mile 1, you will start to see elevation losses well more than 200’ per mile. Start turning on the speed here, but don’t get too enthusiastic just yet. As you approach the second half of the course, think of these “last 4 of the first half” as an appetizer for main menu ahead.

Miles 14-20: Accelerate

The REVEL Big Bear Marathon course will give you an opportunity to start “turning on the speed” at the halfway mark. The elevation at mile 13 is 4,770’. By mile 20, where the elevation is 2,658’, you will have lost over 2,100’ in a 7-mile stretch. That is an average of more than 300’ per mile. More importantly, there are no noticeable climbs anywhere in this stretch. It is one long, sustained, fast downhill section.

This 7-mile section is where your race is made. Instead of the usual “struggle” to maintain pace in the third quarter of a marathon, miles 14-20 of Big Bear are where you will find yourself running faster than expected. Keep churning out the miles with a sense of free-flowing, efficient, downhill speed. By the time you get to mile 20, you can expect to be right on your target split, if not well ahead of it.

Miles 21-26.2: Fast Finish

The last 10K of the marathon course is a continuation of the long, sustained downhill section that began way back at mile 13. Even better, the downhill in the closing 6.2 miles is less severe than the earlier segments, which is easier on tired legs. The final 6.2 miles of the course lose 1,100’, or an average of roughly 180’ per mile. This is a comfortable downhill section, and you should be able to sustain your goal pace throughout the final 10K.

Summary of the Marathon Course

The Big Bear Marathon course loses almost a mile of elevation from start to finish. Over the 26.2-mile course, you likely will surprise yourself with your speed on the downhill segments. Although it is generally true that you never want to run “too fast" at any point in a marathon, remember that gravity is your friend, and you want to take advantage of the benefits of downhill running. Still, hold back until mile 9, manage the short climbs up to that point, and then start accelerating into the second half of the course. Keep in mind that even splits (or negative splits) are highly likely on a course like Big Bear. In other words, expect your second half to be faster than your first half! The key to success will be your ability to keep accelerate from miles 13 to 20, and then holding on at goal pace (if not faster) for the final 10K.

The Half-Marathon Course

Miles 1-4: Very Fast Start

Starting at just over 4700’ elevation, the half-marathon course drops 1,288’ total from the start to mile 4. That is an average of 322' per mile, which is a significant drop.

You will need to resist the urge to chase people if they pass you. Although you want to take advantage of gravity throughout this course by running “comfortably fast” on the downhills, you need to manage the early downhill drops by easing into your pace, settling in for the long haul, and letting gravity pull you along. You should not feel as if you are running “too hard” or “too fast.” If you do, then you should ease back a bit and aim for a “comfortably hard” pace.

Miles 5-9: Settle In

Overall, you will drop nearly 1,250' in miles 5-9. That is an average of 250’ per mile, which is remarkable. Compared to the noticeably fast – and steep – downhill miles from the start to mile 4, this section is a much more “comfortable” downhill.

This is the section where you can really settle into your race pace. The downhills are less sharp than the opening segment, and all of them lose between 216’ and 272’ per mile. At the same time, be wary of a sensation of “running too fast.” If you feel out of control, or if you feel yourself working “too hard” while running downhill, then slow down. If you are keeping tabs on your splits every mile or every few miles at marked intervals, don’t be surprised to see that you are running well ahead of your goal pace.

Miles 10-13.1: Coasting In

Remember that the opening 4-mile segment loses more than 300’ per mile, and the second 5-mile segment loses 250’ per mile. This final segment loses an average of about 159’ per mile. This is still a significant drop per mile, but it is much more gradual than the earlier miles.

As the course begins to descend more gradually, you might notice that your pace is beginning to slow. Pay close attention to your own level of effort. Whatever level of effort you feel on the opening downhill segments is your benchmark; duplicate that level of effort on the less downhill miles, but do not go harder. Pay attention to your breathing and heart rate. If you feel yourself working too hard, then simply slow down. You should be coasting in for the final miles.

Summary of the Half-Marathon Course

The Big Bear Half-Marathon course loses 3,186' of elevation from start to finish. That's an average of more than 240' per mile, making this one of the fastest half-marathon courses you will ever run. Over the 13.1-mile course, you likely will surprise yourself with your speed on the downhill segments.

Paul Carmona is the Online REVEL Coach who has designed training plans specifically for REVEL downhill courses. He is a 22-time REVEL Marathon Finisher and has run multiple Boston Qualifiers on every REVEL course that he has run, with his current streak at 20 BQs in a row at REVEL marathons!


Sept. 23, 2019

A course strategy – and overall race strategy – is a must for optimal performance on race day. Whether this is your first REVEL race and your goal is simply to finish, or you are veteran aiming for a PR or BQ, you should have a well-planned strategy for how you intend to manage the Mt. Lemmon course!

The head coach of REVEL’s Online Coaching Program, who has run a Boston Qualifying time in all the REVEL marathons that he has run, has prepared detailed descriptions of the Revel Mt. Lemmon Marathon and Half-Marathon courses.

Managing the Course Based on Segments

A critical component of your race strategy is the course profile itself. Where are the sharp descents? Where are the climbs? Where does the course “flatten” a bit?

You want to plan your race with course segments in mind, and with an overall strategy for varying paces throughout. Your varied paces will be dictated by the elevation losses and gains, and you want to know before the race where those variations will occur.

Generally, the Mt. Lemmon Marathon course can be divided into four sections:

Miles 1-4: Fast Start

Miles 5-6: Short Slowdown

Miles 7-20: PR Territory

Miles 21-26.2: The Flat Finish

Similarly, the Mt. Lemmon Half-Marathon course can be divided into three sections:

Miles 1-7: PR Territory

Miles 8-10: Gradual Slowdown

Miles 11-13.1: The Flat Finish

You can study the courses yourself on the REVEL website. You can zoom in, use the interactive elevation chart, and get a feel for what lays ahead of you on race day. If possible, you should drive the course before race day to get a feel for what the segments look and feel like. Knowing what to expect, and when, is helpful when preparing your course strategy. 

The marathon and half-marathon courses are summarized below based on the segments described above.

The Marathon Course

Miles 1-4: Fast Start

Starting at over 8,100’ elevation, the first 4 miles of the course lose more than 1,120’ of elevation. That is a severe drop, and you will need to resist the urge to chase people if they pass you. Although you want to take advantage of gravity throughout this course on the downhills, you need to manage the sharp drops by easing into your pace, settling in for the long haul, and letting gravity pull you along at a comfortably fast pace. You might feel a bit winded from the altitude, but you should not feel as if you are running “too hard” or “too fast.” If you do, then you should ease back a bit and aim for a “comfortably hard” pace.

Miles 5-6: Short Slowdown

Right around the mile 4 marker you will notice that the course starts to climb a bit at times. The climbs over the next two miles are short but noticeable. You will feel yourself slowing down a bit, which is fine. Also, the overall elevation is still fairly high (around 7,000’), and you might find it difficult to breathe due to the added demands of climbing – fighting gravity.

Consider this section to be a short “breather” where you can ease off a bit, assess how your legs are doing, and prepare for the upcoming section that is remarkably fast. You still have many miles to go, and you want to conserve your energy for the miles ahead. As you reach the mile 6 marker, you will be about to start the next segment of the course, which is one of the fastest downhill sections of any marathon, anywhere. Just be patient, and you will be ready to run some significantly fast miles ahead.

Miles 7-20: PR Territory

From the mile 6 marker to mile 20, you will lose over 3,770 feet of elevation. That is an average of 270’ per mile, with a downhill grade of -5% per mile. You will encounter small, short climbs here and there, but they are minor in comparison to the overall elevation loss. If you are keeping tabs on your splits every mile or every few miles at marked intervals, don’t be surprised to see that you are running well ahead of your goal pace. At the same time, be wary of a sensation of “running too fast.” If you feel out of control, or if you feel yourself working “too hard” while running downhill, then slow down.

Miles 21-26.2: The Flat Finish

Make no mistake: it gets tough for the final 10K, which loses a total of 325’ of elevation. Compared to the early miles of steady downhill, you will, without any doubt, notice how in miles 21-26 it is harder to hold your pace. Coupled with the late-race fatigue that typically sets in at this point of a marathon, the flatter terrain will make it feel like climbing. Moreover, the very minor climbs that do appear in this segment will slow your pace noticeably. Just hang in there, keep your legs moving, and work hard to get to the finish.

Summary of the Marathon Course

The Mt. Lemmon Marathon course loses more than 5,500’ of elevation from start to finish. With an average loss of more than 213' per mile (a grade of -4%), this one of the fastest marathon courses you will ever run. Over the 26.2-mile course, you likely will surprise yourself with your "faster than normal" pace on the downhill segments.

The Half-Marathon Course

Miles 1-7: PR Territory

Starting at 4,770’ of elevation, the course drops 1,928’ from the start to mile 7, which is an average loss of 275’ per mile. That is a comfortable and manageable descent, and you will want to manage the downhills by easing into your pace, settling in for the long haul, and letting gravity pull you along at a comfortably fast pace. You should not feel as if you are running “too hard” or “too fast.” If you do, then you should ease back a bit and aim for a “comfortably hard” pace.

Miles 8-10: Gradual Slowdown

Not long after you pass the mile 7 marker, the course noticeably starts to lose less elevation. It does not quite “flatten out” yet, but you will go from losing 275’ per mile to losing 64’ per mile. That is noticeable, and you will gradually start to slow down. You will need to “switch gears” to a slower pace based on even effort and should be prepared to run markedly slower than whatever pace you averaged in the first 7 miles.

Miles 11-13.1: The Flat Finish

The final 5K of the course is relatively flat. The total elevation loss is roughly 80’ for the entire final 3.1 miles of the course. Compared to the early miles of steady downhill, you will, without any doubt, notice how it is harder to hold your pace for these final miles. Coupled with the late-race fatigue that typically sets in at this point of a half-marathon, the flatter terrain will make it feel like climbing. Moreover, the very minor climbs that do appear in this segment will slow your pace noticeably. Just hang in there, keep your legs moving, and work hard to get to the finish.

Summary of the Half-Marathon Course

The Mt. Lemmon Half-Marathon course loses more than 2,200’ of elevation from start to finish. With an average loss of around 170' per mile (a grade of -3.2%), this one of the fastest half-marathon courses you will ever run. Over the 13.1-mile course, you likely will surprise yourself with your "faster than normal" pace on the downhill segments.

Paul Carmona is the Online REVEL Coach who has designed training plans specifically for REVEL downhill courses. He is a 22-time REVEL Marathon Finisher and has run multiple Boston Qualifiers on every REVEL course that he has run, with his current streak at 20 BQs in a row at REVEL marathons!


Aug. 20, 2019

The Portland Marathon course map page provides detailed descriptions of the entire marathon and half marathon routes, with notable landmarks and neighborhoods along the way. Paul Carmona, who coaches the RunPortland Online Training Programs, has added his course analysis to those narratives. Coach Paul has broken the marathon and half-marathon courses into smaller segments, with his race-strategy tips. Portland runner Wen Paez, who has run these segments many times, offers his observations about what you can expect on race day.


Marathon Miles 1-5: Downtown through Pearl District

The first three miles of the course should be your warm-up for the morning ahead. Crowds will be heavy as you run through the downtown streets, and you will have a lot of adrenaline pushing you to an enthusiastic start. Resist the urge to chase runners if they pass you and focus on your own level of effort. You need to dial into a race effort that you can sustain for the entire course, not just the opening few miles. You will climb gradually from the starting line for a few blocks, so take this opportunity to get your breathing going, your legs turning over, and your mind focused.

The race begins at the intersection of Naito Parkway and Salmon Street at Portland's famous Waterfront Park on the banks of the Willamette River. From the start line runners head west on Salmon Street to Lownsdale Square before turning right to travel north on SW 4th Ave through the heart of downtown. Crossing Burnside Street, the route loops around Old Town Chinatown before plunging back into downtown on SW Broadway.

There are six turns before mile two. Expect to slow down at every turn, as crowds of runners negotiate the downtown streets. Again, these first two miles are part of your warm up for the marathon. Relax and enjoy the historic neighborhoods and scenery!

Leaving downtown the route jogs west to the eclectic NW 23rd Ave where runners will enjoy the uniquely Portland landmarks of Salt & Straw ice cream parlor and the Freakybuttrue Peculiarium. Runners then return east and make their way through the revitalized Pearl District to the Broadway Bridge.

The longest climb of the day is on this “jog west” towards NW 23rd Ave. The hill ahead of you will be visible as you run towards the northwest neighborhoods. From mile 1.25 to mile 2.5, you will climb about 140’ overall. The good news is that this is still early in the race, so your legs are fresh, but you want to make sure that you do not push hard on this climb (or any climb). Maintain even effort, and slow down if you feel that you are working too hard uphill.

Once you have passed the highest point of the course around mile 2.5, you will start a long and gradual descent back towards the Willamette River. This is where your warm-up ends, and your race begins. Don’t be too enthusiastic as you run the 140’ downhill towards mile 5, but do take advantage of gravity and let your legs crank up to your race pace.

Runner Commentary: Stay patient, find a rhythm especially up the slight climb along Burnside towards NW 23rd. After turning west onto NW 23rd, feed off the spectators that you'll likely encounter as you run through the Nob Hill and Pearl District areas!

Marathon Miles 6-10: Broadway Bridge to South Waterfront

Just past mile 5, you will start the first of four bridge crossings for the course. Miles 6 and 7 both include the Broadway Bridge - you will cross both ways - as you make a quick jaunt across the Willamette and into the Rose Quarter. After the speedy stretch leading up to mile 5, you can expect slight slowing as you climb up and over the Broadway Bridge each time, so take a breather and enjoy the views from the bridge!

Crossing the Broadway Bridge the route enters the Rose Quarter, home of the historied Veterans Memorial Coliseum and the Moda Center. Runners will get an up-close tour of the Moda Center, home of the Portland Trail Blazers, as they run through the middle of campus on the famous Center Court Street. Completing the loop around the Rose Quarter, runners return to Broadway and head back across the Willamette to the Pearl District via the Broadway Bridge.

The climb from mile 5 to mile 6 is about 76’, but you will run right back down that 76’ as you cross back over the bridge and approach mile 7. Think of mile 7 and your opportunity to “catch up” for the slowdown up to 6.

From the Broadway Bridge runners wind through Old Town before traveling south on Naito Parkway, following the banks of the river along Waterfront Park and passing directly by the start/finish venue at Salmon Street just after reaching mile 8. The route then continues south on SW 1st Ave and Naito Parkway to access the South Waterfront on Macadam Ave.

After the start/finish near mile 8, the course starts another long, gradual climb of about 100’ for about a mile. By this point, you should feel well-settled into your race. Remember to maintain an even-effort pace as you work your way south past mile 9. You still have a lot of miles ahead, and you just want to get up and over this climb before you get another fast downhill segment leading up to mile 10.

Runner Commentary: Don't fret as you make your way up the Broadway Bridge towards the Rose Quarter (Go Blazers!). The even effort will be wise on your return over the Broadway Bridge and through the flats of Naito working your way towards the South Waterfront area.

Marathon Miles 11-15: Across the Willamette to Sellwood-Moreland

The first 5K of this section, from mile 10 up to the halfway point of the marathon, is another gradual climb up and over the Sellwood Bridge and into the neighborhoods of Sellwood. From Macadam Ave at mile 11.5 to the halfway mark, the course climbs 82’. After the broad streets and highways leading up to Sellwood Bridge, you will encounter the much narrower and quiet streets of Sellwood. This is where you will need to focus on the immediate miles, not on what lies ahead. Keep your mind on “this mile” as you run through the narrow streets.

At the right-hand turn onto Sellwood Blvd just past the halfway mark, look to your left to see a great view of the Willamette River below and Downtown Portland in the Distance.

Runners continue south on Macadam and use the beautiful Sellwood Bridge to enter the Sellwood-Moreland neighborhood, where they will reach the half marathon mark while enjoying the breathtaking views from the bluff on Sellwood Blvd.

After the turn onto Sellwood Blvd., the course drops gradually about 60’ up to mile 15. This short “breather” comes at a key point in any marathon, where the second half of the race is well underway, and you want to maintain a consistent level of effort.

Runner Commentary: Find your rhythm again and embrace it before you start your Sellwood Bridge climb. Enjoy the view as you peak the Sellwood Bridge, and get your lungs back as you descend and enter the Sellwood neighborhood.

Marathon Miles 16-20: Eastmoreland and Reed College “Loop”

Mile 16 starts with a short climb up and over the railroad tracks that run below Bybee Blvd. The climb continues roughly 80’ total up to Crystal Springs Blvd, where the tree-lined streets level off towards Reed College Place and where the route turns north.

The route then uses Bybee Blvd to enter the charming and historic Eastmoreland neighborhood. Runners will follow the golf course to the south on Crystal Springs Blvd and then loop north on arguably the most enchanting road in Portland, SE Reed College Place. Engulfed by the towering trees and handsome homes, runners will continue north across Woodstock Blvd to enter the campus of Reed College.

Mile 17 is always a major point in any marathon, where the number of miles remaining are in the single-digits. Here, the course winds its way around Reed College with a sharp drop of roughly 80’ to the northwest side of the campus before looping back around and climbing 80’ back to the intersection of Woodstock Blvd and Reed College Place. From there, the course starts backtracking south.

Enthusiastic students ("Reedies") will cheer runners on as they loop through campus, passing the stunning Tudor-Gothic style architecture and soaking in the atmosphere of one of the most unique and esteemed colleges in the world. Finishing the loop around campus, the route returns south for another jog down the opposite side of Reed College Place before heading west to re-enter Sellwood-Moreland.

At mile 19, the course starts another gradual descent out of the Eastmoreland neighborhood, dropping another 80’ to mile 20 at the base of the bridge at Bybee Blvd.

Runner Commentary: After climbing over the train tracks on Bybee Blvd, enjoy the Eastmoreland neighborhood and feed off the energy from the Reed College community. You will appreciate the boost as the miles have added up at this point.

Marathon Miles 21-25: Brooklyn to Burnside Bridge

After several turns in the prior 5-mile section, this next segment has a lot of long straightaways as you work back north towards the last bridge crossing. Miles 21 and 22 include a 50’ up and down section prior to the long straight segment on Milwaukee Ave.

Just past mile 22, you will encounter the last sharp climb of the course, gaining almost 50’ on Franklin St to McLoughlin Blvd.

Runners then use SE Milwaukie Ave to travel north into the quaint Brooklyn neighborhood, where they will run underneath the Ross Island Bridge. The route then connects onto the beautiful Eastbank Esplanade and runs along the banks of the river as it passes underneath the Tilikum Crossing Bridge. While on the Esplanade runners will pass directly between the Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (OMSI) and its famous submarine, the USS Blueblack, before passing under the Marquam Bridge and using SE Clay St to exit the Esplanade and travel north on SE Water Ave.

Mile 23 is another nice downhill of almost 100’ as you head back towards the Willamette River, and you will almost “feel” the river pulling you towards the finish.

Mile 24 has a terrific section along the Eastbank Esplanade. Before your last push up and over the Burnside bridge, the short 30’ climb to the start of the final bridge crossing will be the last climb of the day!

Runner Commentary: A good portion of this section is a very familiar and favorite running area along the East Esplanade. Recognize you have about a 10k at this point, and prepare for the final climb over the Burnside Bridge.

Marathon Last 1.2: Waterfront Finish

As you work your way across the Burnside Bridge towards Downtown Portland, you can look to your left and see the Morrison Bridge, knowing that the finish line is only about 300 yards beyond that bridge. Even better, the course drops roughly 30’ to the west bank of the Willamette River, making this a nice gradual downhill to the final stretch.

With just over one mile to go the route crosses the Willamette for the fourth and final time as it heads over the Burnside Bridge, running directly towards the iconic White Stag sign in the distance. Runners take a final loop around Old Town and then head south on Naito Parkway for the final sprint to the finish on Salmon Street.

Runner Commentary: At this point, save what you have left to make it over the bridge, then feed off the downhill stretch and let gravity help you back onto Naito for your marathon finish. Feed off the finish line energy of spectators! You did it!

Marathon Course Summary

The 2019 Portland Marathon course guarantees a scenic and diverse tour past some of the most iconic landmarks and neighborhoods of the Rose City. The course has a series of climbs and drops over the 26.2-mile route, but none of the hills are particularly steep or lengthy.

A solid course strategy is a must for this course. Runners will want to know what lies ahead of them on race day, and will want to measure their efforts both early and late in the race based on the course profile.


Half-Marathon Miles 1-4: Downtown to Sellwood Bridge

The first mile of the course should be your warm-up for the morning ahead. Crowds will be heavy as you run through the downtown streets, and you will have a lot of adrenaline pushing you to an enthusiastic start. Resist the urge to chase runners if they pass you, and focus on your own level of effort. You need to dial into a race effort that you can sustain for the entire course, not just the opening few miles.

The first mile has a climb of roughly 100’ overall, so you definitely need to start gradually and measure your effort. Take this opportunity to get your breathing going, your legs turning over, and your mind focused.

After mile 1, the course drops gradually all the way to mile 2. This is where your race begins, with a nice downhill stretch where you can open up your stride and let your speed increase.

Miles 3 and 4 head south as you approach the Sellwood Bridge.

The race begins at the intersection of Naito Parkway and Salmon Street at Portland's famous Waterfront Park on the banks of the Willamette River. After joining the marathoners exiting the start gait for a quick jaunt west up Salmon Street, runners head south on SW 1st Ave as they enjoy the sunrise over the Willamette to the east. The route continues south on Naito Parkway and runs directly under the Portland Aerial Tram to access the South Waterfront on Macadam Ave. Runners make their way through the heart of South Portland on this flat, tree-lined section.

The 4-mile mark is in the middle of a climb up to the beginning of the Sellwood Bridge, so you can expect a slight slowing as you prepare to cross the Willamette River.

Runner Commentary: Stay patient and find your rhythm, especially up the climbs along the way.

Half-Marathon Miles 5-8: Sellwood-Moreland

After the broad streets and highways leading up to Sellwood Bridge, you will encounter the much narrower and quiet streets of Sellwood. This is where you will need to focus on the immediate miles, not on what lies ahead. Keep your mind on “this mile” as you run through the narrow streets.

At the right-hand turn onto Sellwood Blvd just before mile 5, look to your left to see a great view of the Willamette River below and Downtown Portland in the Distance.

Continuing south on Macadam runners use the beautiful Sellwood Bridge to enter the Sellwood-Moreland neighborhood, passing the area's charming homes while enjoying the breathtaking views from the bluff on Sellwood Blvd.

After the turn onto Sellwood Blvd., the course drops gradually more than 50’ up to mile 6.5. This short “breather” is a helpful way to gather energy for the second half of the race, where you want to maintain a consistent level of effort.

The stretch up to mile 8 includes another gradual climb of roughly 50’ as you head out of Moreland and into Brooklyn.

Runner Commentary: Enjoy the view as you peak the Sellwood Bridge, and get your lungs back as you descend and enter the Sellwood neighborhood.

Half-Marathon Miles 9-12: Brooklyn to Burnside Bridge

Mile 9 starts with a long, gradual descent of about 35’ through Brooklyn along Milwaukee Ave.

Just past mile 9, you will encounter the last sharp climb of the course, gaining 50’ on Franklin St to McLoughlin Blvd.

Runners then use SE Milwaukie Ave to travel north into the quaint Brooklyn neighborhood, where they will run underneath the Ross Island Bridge. The route then connects onto the beautiful Eastbank Esplanade and runs along the banks of the river as it passes underneath the Tilikum Crossing Bridge. While on the Esplanade runners will pass directly between the Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (OMSI) and its famous submarine, the USS Blueblack, before passing under the Marquam Bridge and using SE Clay St to exit the Esplanade and travel north on SE Water Ave.

Mile 10 is in the middle of another nice downhill stretch of almost 100’ as you head back towards the Willamette River, and you will almost “feel” the river pulling you towards the finish.

Mile 11 has a terrific section along the Eastbank Esplanade. Before your last push up and over the Burnside bridge, the short 30’ climb to the start of the final bridge crossing will be the last climb of the day!

Runner Commentary: A good portion of this section is a very familiar and favorite running area along the East Esplanade. Recognize you have about a 5K left at this point, and prepare for the final climb over the Burnside Bridge.

Half-Marathon Last 1.1: Waterfront Finish

As you work your way across the Burnside Bridge towards Downtown Portland, you can look to your left and see the Morrison Bridge, knowing that the finish line is only about 300 yards beyond that bridge. Even better, the course drops roughly 30’ to the west bank of the Willamette River, making this a nice gradual downhill to the final stretch.

With just over one mile to go the route crosses the Willamette for the fourth and final time as it heads over the Burnside Bridge, running directly towards the iconic White Stag sign in the distance. Runners take a final loop around Old Town and then head south on Naito Parkway for the final sprint to the finish on Salmon Street.

Runner Commentary: At this point, save what you have left to make it over the bridge, then feed off the downhill stretch and let gravity help you back onto Naito for your half-marathon finish. Feed off the finish line energy of spectators! You did it!

Half-Marathon Course Summary

The 2019 Portland Half-Marathon course guarantees a scenic and diverse tour past some of the most iconic landmarks and neighborhoods of the Rose City. The course has a series of climbs and drops over the 13.1-mile route, but none of the hills are particularly steep or lengthy.

A solid course strategy is a must for this course. Runners will want to know what lies ahead of them on race day, and will want to measure their efforts both early and late in the race based on the course profile.

Author Paul Carmona is the Head Coach for the RunPortland Online Training Program and has designed training plans for runners across the United States and internationally for more than 15 years. Coach Paul has run 68 marathons and is a 9-time Boston Marathon finisher. He has also run ultramarathons, finishing in second place in a 100-mile ultra. Coach Paul paces half-marathons throughout the year.

Runner Commentary was provided by Wencesley (Wen) Paez, who has lived and run in Portland since 2005. Wen has been a pace mentor for Portland marathon and half-marathon training programs for over 9 years, where many of the training routes are the 2019 Portland Marathon course. Wen has run more than 20 marathons (while pacing several, including 4 PDX with the Red Lizards), and has run over 50+ half-marathons, while pacing dozens. He will be pacing the 4:20 group at the 2019 Portland Marathon.

July 10, 2019

A course strategy – and overall race strategy – is a must for optimal performance on race day. Whether this is your first REVEL race and your goal is simply to finish, or you are veteran aiming for a PR or BQ, you should have a well-planned strategy for how you intend to manage the course!

Managing the Course Based On Segments

A critical component of your strategy is the course profile itself. Where are the sharp descents? Where are the climbs? Where does the course “flatten” a bit?

You want to plan your race with course segments in mind, and with an overall strategy for varying paces throughout. Your varied paces will be dictated by the elevation losses and gains, and you want to know before the race where those variations will occur.

Generally, the REVEL Chilliwack Marathon course can be divided into five sections:

Km 1-5: Cruising Downhill Warm Up (miles 1-3)

Km 6-18: Turn on the Speed (miles 4-11)

Km 19-26: Drop and Roll (miles 12-16)

Km 27-36: Up and Down Slowdown (miles 17-22)

Km 37-42.2: Steady Finish (miles 23-26.2)

Similarly, the REVEL Chilliwack Half-Marathon course can be divided into three sections:

Km 1-5: Rolling Downhill Warm Up (miles 1-3)

Km 6-15: Up and Down Slowdown (miles 4-9)

Km 16-21.1: Steady Finish (miles 10-13.1)

You can study the courses yourself on the REVEL Chilliwack website (select km/meters or miles/feet to see distances and elevation). You can zoom in, use the interactive elevation chart, and get a feel for what is ahead of you on race day.

The marathon and half-marathon courses are summarized below based on the segments described above.

Note: The REVEL Chilliwack marathon and half-marathon will be marked using kilometers, not miles. The course review is based on segments using kilometers for distance and meters for elevation, with corresponding equivalents in miles and feet also noted.

If you are accustomed to marking your goal splits in miles, try using the following websites to help you determine your goal splits at various kilometers:

If possible, you should drive the course before race day to get a feel for what the segments look and feel like. Knowing what to expect, and when, is helpful when preparing your course strategy.


Km 1-5: Cruising Downhill Warm Up (miles 1-3)

Starting at 660m elevation (2,166’), the marathon begins at the entrance to the Chilliwack Lake Provincial Park. This first 5K of the marathon loses 150m (487') of elevation, with minimal climbing over that opening segment. This is a very comfortable 3% downhill grade. These first 5K are some of the steepest downhills you will run on this course, and you will want to take advantage of gravity by letting yourself move comfortably fast. Be wary of a sensation of “running too fast” in this opening segment of the race. If you feel out of control, or if you feel yourself working “too hard” while running downhill, then slow down.

Km 6-18: Turn on the Speed (miles 4-11)

Starting at 5K, the course begins the next series of steady downhill miles. The elevation at 5K is 510m (1,679’ at mile 3). Over the next 13K (8 mi), the course loses another 194m (628’). This segment is not as sharp as the opening 5K, but still runs noticeably downhill with no significant elevation gain at all. Like the opening 5K, this section, with its 1.5% downhill grade, is where you will want to take advantage of gravity and “turn on the speed” at your goal pace, or slightly ahead of it. You will be adding to the “time cushion” that you began building in the first 5K, and by the time you reach 18K (11 miles) you can expect to be ahead of your goal pace split.

Km 19-26: Drop and Roll (miles 12-16)

Km 19 to 21 (roughly miles 12 and 13) have some of the sharpest elevation drops since the opening 5K, losing a total of 104m (351’). At this stage of the race, with most of the sharp descents behind you and the flatter segments ahead, you want to accelerate through the drops as you approach the rolling hills ahead. The “drop” of the segment is the last time you will see elevation loss greater than 3%. Take advantage of these downhill sections as you approach the second half of the race.

From 21K to 26K (about miles 14-16), the course loses a gradual 47m (160’) of elevation, which is a 1% downhill grade. You will notice the more gradual descent. As you roll along towards the end of this section, you should find it relatively easy to run right at your goal pace, if not slightly ahead of it to build a bit more cushion.

Km 27-36: Up and Down Slowdown (miles 17-22)

Starting around the 26K mark (mile 16), the course begins a series of noticeable drops and climbs, rolling through the thickly wooded area alongside the Chilliwack River. Overall, this 10K loses 103m (321’) of elevation, which is the same 1% downhill grade that you experienced in the prior “Drop and Roll” section. However, the climbs along the way, coupled with the much more gradual drops than what you encountered in the first half of the course, will slow you down. The key to this section is to maintain a steady pace that parallels the lower drop in elevation: lower drop means slower pace. You will notice a slowing of your pace, and you will sense that you cannot increase your pace without an increase in effort. This is due not only to the normal and expected fatigue at this point in a race, but also due to the lower amount of elevation loss per km/mile. Your objective in this section should be to hold onto your goal pace as much as possible.

Km 37-42.2: Steady Finish (miles 23-26.2)

This final section is a relatively steady downhill, with a few short little climbs at 38K (almost mile 24) as you approach the end of Chilliwack Lake Road. All totaled, this closing section loses 37m (137’) of elevation, making it the flattest section of the entire course at less than 1% elevation loss. With the added muscle fatigue from the earlier downhills, the flatter terrain at the end will almost certainly slow you down. However, that is expected and perfectly fine if you have managed your race and the “time cushion” up to this point!

Summary of the Marathon Course

The REVEL Chilliwack Marathon course loses 635m (2,084’) of elevation from start to finish. Over the steadily downhill course, you likely will surprise yourself with your "faster than normal" pace on the downhill segments. You will need to work hard to maintain pace on the flatter sections, and very late in the race plan to use the “time cushion” that you will build early. Although it is generally true that you never want to "go out too fast" in a marathon, remember that gravity is your friend and that you want to take advantage of the benefits of downhill running early in the race.


Km 1-5: Rolling Downhill Warm Up (miles 1-3)

Starting at 213m (700’) of elevation, the course drops 49m (160’) total from the start to the 5K mark (mile 3.1), which is a 1% downhill grade. As you roll along through this gradual descent, you should find it relatively easy to run right at your goal pace, if not slightly ahead of it to build a bit of a “time cushion.” What you want to do at this early stage of the race is take advantage of the downhills, take it easy on the uphills. At the same time, be wary of a sensation of “running too fast.” If you feel out of control, or if you feel yourself working “too hard” while running downhill, then slow down.

Km 6-15: Up and Down Slowdown (miles 4-9)

Starting around the 5K mark (mile 3.1), the course begins a series of noticeable drops and climbs, rolling through the thickly wooded area alongside the Chilliwack River. Overall, this 10K loses 102m (324’) of elevation, which is the same 1% downhill grade that you experienced in the prior “Rolling Downhill” section. However, the climbs along the way will slow you down. The key to this section is to maintain a steady pace that parallels the lower drop in elevation: lower drop means slower pace. You will notice a slowing of your pace, and you will sense that you cannot increase your pace without an increase in effort. This is due not only to the normal and expected fatigue at this point in a race, but also due to the lower amount of elevation loss per km/mile. Your objective in this section should be to hold onto your goal pace as much as possible.

Km 16-21.1: Steady Finish (miles 10-13.1)

This final section is a relatively steady downhill, with a few short little climbs at 17K (almost mile 11) as you approach the end of Chilliwack Lake Road. All totaled, this closing section loses 37m (134’) of elevation, making it the flattest section of the entire course at less than 1% elevation loss. With the added muscle fatigue from the earlier downhill sections, the flatter terrain at the end will almost certainly slow you down. However, that is expected and perfectly fine if you have managed your race and your “time cushion” up to this point!

Summary of the Half-Marathon Course

The REVEL Chilliwack Half-Marathon course loses 188m (618’) of elevation from start to finish, making this one of the fastest half-marathon courses you will ever run. Over the steadily downhill course, you likely will surprise yourself with your "faster than normal" pace on the downhill segments.

Paul Carmona is the Online REVEL Coach who has designed training plans specifically for REVEL downhill courses. He is a 22-time REVEL Marathon Finisher and has run multiple Boston Qualifiers on every REVEL course that he has run, with his current streak at 20 BQs in a row at REVEL marathons!


June 7, 2019

A course strategy – and overall race strategy – is a must for optimal performance on race day. Whether this is your first REVEL race and your goal is simply to finish, or you are veteran aiming for a PR or BQ, you should have a well-planned strategy for how you intend to manage the course!

The head coach of REVEL’s Online Coaching Program, who has run a Boston Qualifying time in all the REVEL marathons that he has run, has prepared detailed descriptions of the Revel Mt. Hood Marathon and Half-Marathon courses.

Managing the Course Based On Segments
A critical component of your strategy is the course profile itself. Where are the sharp descents? Where are the climbs? Where does the course “flatten” a bit?

You want to plan your race with course segments in mind, and with an overall strategy for varying paces throughout. Your varied paces will be dictated by the elevation losses and gains, and you want to know before the race where those variations will occur.

Generally, the Revel Mt. Hood Marathon course can be divided into five sections:

Miles 1-5: The “Ski Slopes” Fast Start
Miles 6-10: Settle In
Miles 11-15: Accelerate Past the Half
Miles 16-20: Flatten Out
Miles 21-26.2: Rolling Finish

Similarly, the Revel Mt. Hood Half-Marathon course can be divided into four sections:

Miles 1-4: Fast Four
Miles 5-8: Steady Four
Miles 9-12: Work Hard Four
Mile 13 (plus .1): Fast Finish – Final Kick

You can study the courses yourself on the REVEL Mt. Hood website. You can zoom in, use the interactive elevation chart, and get a feel for what lays ahead of you on race day.

If possible, you should drive the course before race day to get a feel for what the segments look and feel like. Knowing what to expect, and when, is helpful when preparing your course strategy.

The marathon and half-marathon courses are summarized below based on the segments described above.

Miles 1-5: The “Ski Slopes” Fast Start

Starting at 5,620’ elevation, the marathon starts adjacent to the ski lifts at The Timberline Lodge and Ski Area at the base of Mt. Hood. The first five miles of the marathon are almost entirely on the Timberline Highway, a smooth paved road that is nestled between tall pines and firs that line the road.

The first five miles of the marathon lose 1,645' of elevation, with less than 20 total feet of climbing over that opening segment. These downhills are notably sharp, and you will want to take advantage of gravity by letting yourself move comfortably fast. Be wary of a sensation of “running too fast” in this entire stretch of the race. If you feel out of control, or if you feel yourself working “too hard” while running downhill, then slow down.

Miles 6-10: Settle In

Shortly before mile 5, the course turns from Timberline Highway onto U.S. 26. Over the next 5 miles, the course loses another 1,352’. This 5-mile segment is not as sharp as the opening segment, but still runs noticeably downhill. Like the opening 5 miles, this section is where you will want to take advantage of gravity and let your pace accelerate to the "comfortably fast" edge of your ability as you “settle in” at your goal pace, or slightly ahead of it.

Miles 11-15: Accelerate Past the Half

From mile 10 to mile 15, the course loses 1,051’ of elevation. You will notice the more gradual descent, which is still significant, with each passing mile. At this stage of the race, with the sharpest descents behind you and the flatter miles ahead, you want to accelerate past the halfway mark. Miles 14 and 15 are two of the last miles where you will see elevation loss greater than 3% (more than 160’ per mile). Take advantage of these downhill miles as you approach the last 11 miles of the race.

Miles 16-20: Flatten Out

Overall, miles 16-20 lose 362’ total, compared to earlier segments that lost 3-4 times that. These are much more gradual drops that what you encountered in the first 15 miles, and the key to this section is to maintain a steady pace that parallels the lower drop in elevation: lower drop means slower pace. You will notice a slowing of your pace, and that you cannot increase your pace without an increase in effort. This is due not only to the normal and expected fatigue at this point in a race, but also due to the lower amount of elevation loss per mile.

Miles 21-26.2: Rolling Finish

Make no mistake: this is where it gets tough for about 5 miles of the final 10K. All totaled, the final 10K of the course loses 348’ of elevation. Miles 21 and 22 together lose a total of 171' of elevation, and there are some noticeably sharp drops followed by gradual climbs. After that, miles 23 and 24 roll gradually up and then down to lose just over 120’ of elevation. Mile 25 actually gains 12’ overall, and then mile 26 loses just under 60’. The final .2 is essentially flat.

Summary of the Marathon Course

The Revel Mt. Hood Marathon course loses over 4,750’ of elevation from start to finish. Over the 26.2-mile course, you likely will surprise yourself with your speed on the downhill segments. Although it is generally true that you never want to "go out too fast" in the opening miles of a marathon, remember that gravity is your friend, and you want to take advantage of the benefits of downhill running.


Miles 1-4: Fast Four

Starting at 1,759’ of elevation, the course drops roughly 440’ total from the start to mile 4. You will encounter a few gradual climbs in these opening miles, but nothing too severe. What you want to do at this early stage of the race is take advantage of the downhills, take it easy on the uphills. The downhill is noticeable but comfortable – not too steep, but just enough to let your legs turn over quickly. At the same time, be wary of a sensation of “running too fast.” If you feel out of control, or if you feel yourself working “too hard” while running downhill, then slow down.

Miles 5-8: Steady Four

You will notice the difference between miles 1-4, which average more than 100’ of elevation loss per mile, and miles 5-8, each of which drop between about 50' and 78' per mile. These are more gradual drops than what you encountered in the opening segment, so you will want to maintain a steady pace. There are no steep, fast drops, but also no hard climbs. As the course gradually drops, you want to maintain a steady level of effort to hold your pace.

Miles 9-12: Work Hard Four

Make no mistake: this is where it gets tough and where you will need to work hard. Miles 9 and 10 together lose a total of just over 50' of elevation. You don’t want to “push” yourself to try matching the fast pace that you held in the more downhill miles earlier in the race. Mile 11 will suddenly feel faster again. It loses 68’ of elevation, and you will notice it. However, mile 12 requires some work: it has a net gain of more than 20’ overall.

Mile 13 (plus .1): Fast Finish – Final Kick

Once you reach mile 12, you can say to yourself "now downhill to the finish!" Even better, the downhill in the closing 1.1 miles is steady and gradual, but quite noticeable, which is great for tired legs. The elevation loss from mile 12 to the finish is roughly 70’. You should find yourself able to resume some of the faster paces that you were able to run in the earlier miles of the race.

Summary of the Half-Marathon Course

The Revel Mt. Hood Half-Marathon course loses nearly 900' of elevation from start to finish. That's an average of around 70' per mile, making this one of the fastest half-marathon courses you will ever run. Over the 13.1-mile course, you likely will surprise yourself with your speed on the downhill segments.

Paul Carmona is the Online REVEL Coach who has designed training plans specifically for REVEL downhill courses. He is a 22-time REVEL Marathon Finisher and has run multiple Boston Qualifiers on every REVEL course that he has run, with his current streak at 20 BQs in a row at REVEL marathons!

May 10, 2019
REVEL Race Series Logo
Save $10 With Code REVELPDX
Expires May 14, 2019

REVEL is thrilled to announce that it has taken over management of the Portland Marathon, which will take place on October 6, 2019. REVEL runners can save $10 on registration with code REVELPDX, which is valid through May 14.

If you have ever wondered what a REVEL race would be like in an entirely urban setting, this is your chance to find out! We have completely redesigned the former Portland Marathon & Half Marathon courses to offer an unbelievable tour through the Rose City. Although it will not be part of the REVEL Race Series, runners will still be treated to the typical race experience that can be found at a REVEL event.

Find more information and register now at


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