REVEL Online Coaching Program
REVEL Race Series
March 9, 2021

Since its inception in 2016, the REVEL Online Coaching Program has provided training for hundreds of REVEL marathon and half-marathon participants. The marathon and half-marathon programs both have Advanced, Intermediate, Beginner, and Introductory training levels. Marathon programs are 24 weeks long, and the half-marathon programs are 16 weeks (the Introductory levels are slightly shorter). The training programs are specifically designed for downhill racing, and the weekly schedules include regular workouts designed to improve downhill efficiency and speed.

The REVEL Online Coaching Program is designed by REVEL’s experienced and successful Coach Paul Carmona, who has run more than two dozen REVEL marathons and half-marathons, has run Boston Qualifiers on all the REVEL marathon courses he has run, and is a 10-time Boston Marathon finisher. Coach Paul and the REVEL coaches work directly with runners throughout the program and explain the purpose of every workout.

The training programs are entirely online, with a calendar that includes daily workouts, weekly targets, and overall strategy for the training cycle. The online training center also features a message tool, daily logs, videos, articles, and other resources that are included with all training programs. The coach’s weekly emails provide instructions for the weekly workouts, reminders about the objectives of that specific training cycle, explanations for the goals of each workout, and tips on how to translate key concepts into preparation for downhill racing.

The coaches stress the importance of keeping in touch with participants in the program. The coaches respond to emails directly with runners, and are available to answer questions, offer advice, and assist with anything related to training and racing.

The success of the REVEL Online Coaching Program is reflected in comments from participants in the program:

Got me to the starting line feeling like I had already ‘earned’ the PR and just needed to go ‘collect’ it at the finish line.”

The program is built in a way that you feel tangible improvements as you progress towards your marathon date. Coach Paul explains the rationale behind each workout…the weekly emails, check-ins, videos, and enthusiasm got me in the right mindset, and at age 47 I ran my best marathon with a big PR and BQ!”

It's not just a cookie cutter training plan, but a customized roadmap to take you from where you are to where you want to go.”

From those who want to do their first half-marathon to those who want to qualify for Boston, Coach Paul has the knowledge and experience to bring out the best in the people he works with.”

A year ago, I thought I could never get a Boston qualifying time. 12 months later, I now have a BQ minus 23 minutes thanks to Coach Paul and the Revel Online Coaching Program.”

To learn more about the program, visit the REVEL Online Coaching Program.

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