New Finish Venue & Parking
REVEL Mt Charleston
Feb. 7, 2017

We are excited to announce a new finish venue for REVEL Mt Charleston Marathon & Half. The course remains largely the same as only the last 3 miles will change. The end of the course is still remarkably fast and has a very similar elevation profile to last year. The Thunderbird Family Sports Complex offers a spacious finish venue and a family friendly atmosphere including a playground and soccer fields. The post-race party will include a band, massages, pizza, pie, awards and more!

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Race morning parking and busing will be at Northwest Career & Technical Academy and various retail lots. This is approximately 1 mile from the finish venue, therefore post-race shuttling will be provided back to your respective parking lot. As a reminder all runners must utilize the busing in the morning and runners cannot be dropped off at the starting lines.


All of this information and more can also be seen on our race info page.

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