Off Season Training
REVEL Race Series
Dec. 15, 2016

Winter and early spring are times when many runners aren’t following a specific training schedule, often wondering how far and how hard they should be running. Instead of considering this to be “off-season,” it is better to think of this period as “maintenance” mode.

The primary focus should be on maintaining an aerobic base, which means that most training miles should be in an easy, conversational pace. The easiest way to do this is to simply run at what feels like an “easy pace,” following these general guidelines:

  • Aim for 40-60 minutes at this pace, three to four times per week. Make one of those a longer run, but don’t aim for anything much longer than 90 minutes or so.
  • Mix up routes to keep boredom away, or run with friends or groups.
  • Take plenty of walk or water breaks if needed.

Once a week or every other week, it’s ok to go out and do some speed or hill work, but keep in mind that the level of effort in these workouts should be less than what is typically scheduled during racing season. The goal of these “maintenance” speed and hill sessions is not to perform at high levels, but to keep just a little bit of intensity in the weekly running regimen. Remember, the primary goal is to work on building a strong aerobic engine, which means lots of miles at slow, easy paces.

Looking for online coaching to maximize your training and race day efforts? Consider the REVEL Online Coaching Program designed specifically for downhill racing by REVEL’s own veteran marathon coach! Our REVEL Coach has run every one of REVEL's races and is familiar with the unique demands of downhill racing. He has run a Boston qualifying time on all of REVEL's courses, and knows the right training, pace strategy, and race planning that will help you succeed in your marathon or half-marathon.

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