Cyber Monday Sale, Mt Charleston Price Increase, Canyon City Registration Opens
REVEL Race Series
Nov. 17, 2016
REVEL Cyber Monday

REVEL Cyber Monday Pricing starts today and runs through the end of November. All REVEL merchandise is on sale. You don't want to miss out on these deals. We have running shirts, jackets, hats, hoodies, and more.


We will also be holding a Black Friday sale in Salt Lake City at the Sandy Wasatch Running Center on Black Friday and Saturday. Here are the details: When: November 25 and 26, 10am to 6pm

REVEL Canyon City

2016 REVEL Canyon City: A Total First Class Race

The third edition of the REVEL Canyon City Marathon and Half-Marathon started on Saturday, November 12, 2016, under perfect conditions: clear, calm, dry, and cool. Thousands of runners enjoyed a remarkably beautiful course as they made their way through the forests and canyons of the Angeles National Forest to the finish area in the foothills of Azusa.

“It was awesome! A total first class race,” is how Lynda Neuman, who PR'd in the half and won her age group, described the 2016 Canyon City race. Noting that she runs about 13 half-marathons per year, Lynda added “this is one of my favorite courses. I could not recommend it highly enough!! You cannot lose choosing this race -- it is one of the most well run and well supported races around!”

“AMAZING AND ASTONISHING,” said marathon finisher Luisa Rivas, adding “I love this race from beginning to end.” Luisa’s comments echoed those of hundreds of runners who finished in either the marathon or half-marathon: “very well organized…volunteers were awesome…and I'm loving my bling!”


REVEL Mt Charleston

REVEL Mt Charleston Price Increase

REVEL Mt Charleston in Las Vegas has a price increase coming next week! Prices will increase at midnight on November 22. Save $10 by registering now!


REVEL Canyon City

2017 REVEL Canyon City Registration Opens

REVEL Canyon City is excited to announce the fourth annual event will be taking place on Saturday, November 4, 2017. Save up to $20 when you sign up by November 30. Use code CanyonCity17 to get $10 off and use the Facebook and team discount to get an additional $10 off.

Register for Canyon City

REVEL Mt Charleston

REVEL Mt Charleston Holds Top Spot Nationally for BQ%

The inaugural REVEL Mt Charleston Marathon in May 2016 had a remarkable 39% Boston Qualifier rate. Other than the U.S. Olympic Trials, no other race in the U.S. or Canada has seen a higher percentage of qualifiers than REVEL Mt Charleston this year!

Training Tip

Training Tip: Downhill Training is a Must

REVEL means fast downhill courses, and downhill racing means runners need to focus heavily on downhill training to optimize their race day experiences. Even “flatlanders” can benefit from training that emphasizes leg speed and “faster than normal” pacing. For runners who have access to hills for training, the right amount of intensity and distance of downhill training can make a major difference when preparing for a downhill race. Whether your goal is to enjoy a REVEL race and finish feeling fantastic, or to run a PR or BQ, downhill training is an absolute must. For downhill training tips, check out the REVEL Training Page. For a training plan that is designed specifically for REVEL downhill courses, consider the REVEL Online Coaching Program, which is designed by 9-time REVEL Marathon Finisher and Coach Paul Carmona, who has run multiple Boston Qualifiers on every REVEL course!



Race Calendar

Apr. 29, 2017 REVEL Mt Charleston
Las Vegas, NV

Price Increase Nov 22, 2016!

Jun 11, 2017 REVEL Rockies
Denver, CO
Sep. 9, 2017 REVEL Big Cottonwood
Salt Lake City, UT
Nov. 4, 2017 REVEL Canyon City
Los Angeles, CA

Charity Partner Highlight

Cottonwood Heights Foundation

REVEL partners with a charitable organization in each of the areas were we opperate. For Big Cottonwood, we donate to The Cottonwood Heights Foundation, which provides financial assistance for people to utilize the Recreation Center in Cottonwood Heights.

"On behalf of the Cottonwood Heights Recreation Center Foundation, we are so appreciative of the REVEL donation. It truly is a great event that brings thousands of people into our community to see Cottonwood Heights. The donation will directly benefit many of our community families as they patriciate in healthy activities and programs. Thank you for the difference you have made in our community."

Merchandise Highlight

REVEL Beanie

Everyone received this beanie in their goodie bag this year, and everyone loved it. Furthermore, it's on sale right now for just $4.99! This is a screaming good deal you will not want to pass up.

REVEL Beanie

Random Race Entry Giveaway


Congratulations to Ray Avila Bodley who ran the 2016 REVEL Big Cottonwood Marathon. He was randomly selected as the winner of a FREE race entry to any 2017 REVEL event. Keep your eyes out each month to see if you're the next random winner. Ray, email to claim your prize.

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