Training Tips and New Coaching Program - Newsletter
REVEL Race Series
March 9, 2016
REVEL Race Series Newsletter March 2016
REVEL Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

Is your company looking for creative ways to advertise its products or services? Are you looking for new marketing avenues? Contact us today to get more information about affordable sponsorship opportunities with the REVEL Race Series:

REVEL Training

An All New Training Page

We are excited to announce our all new Training and Online Coaching pages.

The new Training page contains valuable insight about downhill training, including tips on downhill form and how to correct common downhill running mistakes, and suggestions for frequency, duration, and intensity of downhill workouts.

The REVEL Online Coaching Program includes workouts specifically designed to prepare runners of all experience levels for REVEL's downhill courses. With specific hill workouts every month, including periodic downhill repeats as part of a weekly long run, the Online Coaching Program is designed for downhill. The program contains weekly notes, videos, and detailed instructions for every workout. With a built in training pace tool, the coached program will help you find your proper "downhill pace" for workouts and racing.

These new resources are sure to help you get that PR or BQ on our amazingly FAST and BEAUTIFUL downhill races.


Price Increase

Price Increases Next Week for Mt Charleston and Rockies

REVEL Rockies in Denver & REVEL Mt Charleston in Las Vegas have price increases coming up next week! Rockies will increase at midnight on March 15 and Mt Charleston will increase at midnight on March 17. Save $10 on each location by registering now!




Director of Youth Running Program

REVEL has created a non profit youth running program and is seeking to hire a part time director to work in Salt Lake. Responsibilities include fundraising, creating training programs, training mentors, and working with youth. The goal of this program is to work with youth to train for and complete the REVEL Big Cottonwood marathon or half marathon.


REVEL Mt Charleston Medal

REVEL Mt Charleston Medal Reveal

These HUGE medals will be awaiting you at the finish line of REVEL Mt Charleston in Las Vegas — a well earned reward. REVEL Mt Charleston is only two months away, so you better register now to secure the inaugural medal.


Training Tip

Training Tip: Downhill Prep Should Include Uphill Work

As you train for REVEL’s remarkably fast courses, your downhill workouts should include some level of uphill work too. The idea is to get used to running fast downhill on tired legs. The uphill climbing of the workout should put some stress on your legs, but don’t overdo it -- the uphill part isn’t the focus, so don’t go too hard while climbing. Instead, maintain a steady, even effort as you climb, and then work hard on your downhill form and speed as you descend.


Big Cottonwood

REVEL Big Cottonwood – Utah's Fastest Marathon

Runners looking for a fast marathon have several options in Utah, but the fastest is REVEL Big Cottonwood. With a mile of net elevation loss, Big Cottonwood has more net downhill than St. George, Ogden, Utah Valley, and Salt Lake Marathon combined, and boasts the fastest average finish time and highest BQ percentage of all Utah marathons. If you’re looking for fast, look no further than REVEL Big Cottonwood!

Big Cottonwood Stats

Race Calendar

 May 7, 2016 REVEL Mt Charleston
Las Vegas, NV

Price Increase Mar 18, 2016!

Jun. 12, 2016 REVEL Rockies
Denver, CO

Price Increase Mar 16, 2016!

Sep. 10, 2016 REVEL Big Cottonwood
Salt Lake City, UT
Nov. 12, 2016 REVEL Canyon City
Los Angeles, CA

New Merchandise Highlight

New REVEL 1/4 Zip

Long Sleeve Quarter zip tech shirt. Heather charcoal color with Revel logo on chest and "Marathon & Half" on sleeve. 100% polyester tech fabric perfect for running or any physical activity. Order it from the following link:

REVEL Quarter Zip

Team Highlight


While REVEL Rockies is a few months away, there is a friendly battle brewing in the mile high city. Local Ambassadors Nikki Scott & Stacy Bolyard are rousing their teams from around the country for the big day. ROCK It, Don't Stop! and RunJunkEes are both tied at 20 runners. Stay tuned to see who will take the cake in this head to head battle! Or will team Booger Pickers come from behind for the victory?

Runner Highlight


We want to give a shout-out to Briney Gunshore for being one of our most faithful REVELers. Briney ran all three REVEL races in 2015 and now with REVEL Mt Charleston in the mix, she is already signed up for all four races this year! Who is going to join Briney for the REVEL four-peat? Here's a fun fact: the combined weight of Briney's REVEL finisher medals from 2015 and 2016 will be over 3.5 lbs!

Random Race Entry Giveaway


Congratulations to Randy Mcelroy who ran the 2015 REVEL Canyon City Marathon. He was randomly selected as the winner of a FREE race entry to any 2016 REVEL event. Keep your eyes out each month to see if you're the next random winner. Randy, email to claim your prize.

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