Share Your Story: Amy
REVEL Rockies
June 19, 2014

Share Your Story We don't accomplish fitness goals by takes community! Three years ago I ran my first half marathon after being obese most of my adult life. It was then I felt a desire to run a full marathon someday. This past year, I worked hard to lose the rest of the weight and I set my sights on the Colfax Marathon. I registered then got to work. My husband helped clean, cook and put up with me being out on long runs every weekend. My friends and family met me for workouts, listened to me talk about my goal, and they showed up on the course to encourage me when things got tough. My father from California unexpectedly appeared at mile 16, hugged me and reminded me of my hard work. He inspired me to continue on. Finally, running partner, Megan, an accomplished runner, signed up with me and made sure that I finished even though it was the slowest race she had ever run. I met a woman this summer, Cindy, who encouraged me to sign up for the Revel Rockies Marathon because there is such JOY in running distance and she reminded me of that. So... I'm registered and ready to run my 2nd marathon. I'm nervous, but I know that my with my "team" I can't go wrong!



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