U of U Burn Camp | Race Director Dashboard

April 27, 2024

Result Link and Embed Code

Public link that you can link on your website or send in an email.


You can also give the following code to your web developer to embed the results right on your own website.

Awards Links

Refresh these links as necessary to hand out awards. Participants without a finish time or rank are there as a placeholder until the rank can be filled.

Please check with your Brooksee on-site timing lead to be sure all audits are complete before you distrubute awards.

5K Awards Page | 1 Mile Awards Page

QR Code

QR code that will permanently link to your results page.

U of U Burn Camp Results Page QR Code


Name Role Phone Email Note
Lane Brooks Timing Lead (801) 369-7320 lane@brooksee.com
Caden Timing Assistant
Austin Pullan Head Timer (435) 630-8324 austin@brooksee.com off-site