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Leaderboard Mode (see latest location of participants)

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35 Mile Citizens (Oct. 26, 2024)

Place Overall Place Gender Place Div Bib # Last Name First Name Gender Age Chip Time Speed (mph)
No Results To Match Filter

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57 Mile Mini Century (Oct. 26, 2024)

Place Overall Place Gender Place Div Bib # Last Name First Name Gender Age Chip Time Speed (mph)
No Results To Match Filter

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75 Mile Metric Century (Oct. 26, 2024)

Place Overall Place Gender Place Div Bib # Last Name First Name Gender Age Chip Time Speed (mph)
No Results To Match Filter

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100 Mile Century (Oct. 26, 2024)

Place Overall Place Gender Place Div Bib # Last Name First Name Gender Age Chip Time Speed (mph)
No Results To Match Filter

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35 Mile Citizens (E-Bike) (Oct. 26, 2024)

Place Overall Place Gender Place Div Bib # Last Name First Name Gender Age Chip Time Speed (mph)
No Results To Match Filter

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57 Mile Mini Century (E-Bike) (Oct. 26, 2024)

Place Overall Place Gender Place Div Bib # Last Name First Name Gender Age Chip Time Speed (mph)
No Results To Match Filter

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75 Mile Metric Century (E-Bike) (Oct. 26, 2024)

Place Overall Place Gender Place Div Bib # Last Name First Name Gender Age Chip Time Speed (mph)
No Results To Match Filter

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100 Mile Century (E-Bike) (Oct. 26, 2024)

Place Overall Place Gender Place Div Bib # Last Name First Name Gender Age Chip Time Speed (mph)
No Results To Match Filter