Race Information*
*For the most up to date information, please visit the race website
Race Name: | 2024 Bomb Hole Cup | Banked Slalom |
Race Date: | Apr 6, 2024 (Saturday) |
Location: | Brighton, UT |
Time: | 9:30 AM |
Description: | Two runs, fastest time wins. You are responsible for returning your timing device at the end of the day or else you have to pay for it. Class List: Grom Boy/Girl (14 & under), Hot Shot Men/Women (15-29), Prime Time Men/Women (30-39), Stallion Men/Women (40-49), Veteran Men/Women (50+), Beginner Men/Women, Pro Men/Women, Legend Men/Women, Vintage Boards, Industry, Skiers on Boards, Adaptive, Splitboard Race *If you signed up for multiple classes, you will need a different racing number for each class.* Award Info: We will have a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd winner for each class, wildcard awards, and one overall Bomb Hole Cup Men's Winner and one overall Bomb Hole Cup Women's Winner Schedule: 7:15am-9am Registration 9:15am Riders meeting top of course 9:30am-12pm Run 1 (all classes) 12:30pm - 3pm Run 2 (all classes) 3:15pm 90's Small Air presented by Volcom 3:30pm Splitboard Race 4pm Awards BOTH COURSES RUNNING AT THE SAME TIME Course 1: Prime Time Men, Prime Time Women, Stallion Men, Stallion Women, Pro Men, Pro Women, Legend Men, Legend Women Course 2: Hot Shot Men, Hot Shot Women, Vintage Boards, Industry, Skiers on Boards, Grom Girls, Grom Boys, Adaptive, Beginner Men, Beginner Women, Vet Men, Vet Women |
Race Events*
*For the most up to date information, please visit the race website